[ Large PostScript versions: logo (emblem)
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The 14th International Olympiad in Informatics
Yong-In, Korean Republic, August 18-25, 2002
President: Ha-Jine Kimn.
78? countries participate with 276 competitors.
- WWW Home Page
- This is the official WWW Home Page for IOI2002.
It will be available from April 2001 in Korean, and from July 2001
in English.
E-mail IOI2002 organization:
- Maps of Korea
- These maps are from the
Perry-Castaņeda Library Map Collection.
Yong-In is 35km south of the capitol Seoul (South Korea).
- Logo
- Information about the logo and other tokens.
These graphics are copyright by IOI 2002.
You have permission to use these graphics,
"if it will be used in relation to encourage the participation and
to publicize the IOI and the IOI 2002."
- The Schedule
- What happened when?
Timeline toward IOI2002:
- 15 Jan 2002: Deadline for submission of IOI2002 task proposals
[Call for IOI2002 Tasks]
- 16-20 Feb 2002: IC
Meeting in Korea
- 10-30 April 2002: pre-registration period
- 20 April 2002: publication of the IOI2002 Competition Rules
- 13-17 May 2002: ISC
Review Meeting in Korea
- 15-30 June 2002: on-line registration
(username/password will be sent early June)
- 30 June 2002: deadline for payment
- The Competition
- The competition material of IOI2002
(tasks, test data, background info, support programs, solutions, etc.)
- The Results
- The list of medalists at IOI2002 and their final scores.
IOI2002 was won by Wanyeong JUNG (Republic of Korea),
who obtained the highest score of 510 out of 600 points.
- General Assembly Meetings
- Reports
- Surveys
IOI Secretariat /
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