Some Statistics for the IOI 2006 Competition Lowest score 0 (14x) Lowest bronze medalist score 219 (70 bronze) Lowest silver medalist score 314 (51 silver) Lowest gold medalist score 385 (24 gold) Top score 480 ( 1x) "fully solved" (modulo small mistake) is defined as "obtain score >= 90%" 284 ranked contestants; number (percentage) that "fully solved" each task: |--writing--|--pyramid--|-forbidden-|---mexico--|---points--|--blackbox- >=90%| 203 (71%) | 47 (17%) | 7 (2%) | 81 (29%) | 1 (0%) | 3 (1%) | EASY | MEDIUM | HARD | MEDIUM | HARD | HARD Nr. of tasks "fully solved" (k) --> Award | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Tot v Gold 0 0 7 (29%) 13 (54%) 4 (17%) 0 0 24 Silver 0 5 (10%) 39 (76%) 7 (14%) 0 0 0 51 Bronze 1 ( 1%) 34 (49%) 35 (50%) 0 0 0 0 70 None 74 (53%) 65 (47%) 0 0 0 0 0 139 Total 75 (26%) 104 (37%) 81 (29%) 20 ( 7%) 4 ( 1%) 0 0 284 Unfortunate high counts: * 7 gold medalists who "fully solved" only 2 tasks. * 5 silver medalists who "fully solved" only 1 task. * 1 bronze medalists who did not "fully solve" a single task. Noteworthy: * No contestants "fully solved" 5 or 6 tasks * 65 non-medalists "fully solved" 1 task