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Recommended Literature

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Here are some pages of recommended literature in various disciplines:


Teaching talented children is a tough task. One of the few simple things that can be done is to bring them into contact with good literature, which they can handle on their own.

Our aim is to refer you only to books that are excellent in their field and that are digestable by talented high school students. Motivated recommendations are welcome.

Although the World-Wide Web itself contains a colossal collection of information relevant to olympiads, it is my feeling that good books are still by far the better source for exciting and challenging information.

Most of the references are to books in English. In many cases, these books will have been translated into numerous other languages. It would be too much work for the IOI Secretariat to keep track of all translations. You are encouraged to start a book page on your national olympiad WWW site, referring to excellent books in your language.

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