IOI'95: Competition Rules (Errata)

[ IOI Home page ] Competition Rules (Errata)

To the Competitors

Competition Equipment

It runs MS-DOS 6.2 (U.S. version).
should be
It runs MS-DOS 6.22 (U.S. version).

Programming Languages

should be

Programming Tasks

Input data

An item is ... a character string ...
should be
An item is ... a non-empty character string ...

Reactive Program Example

Example Dialog

| Standard Output | Standard Input |
 _________________|4               |
|C 1 1            |1               |
|C 1 2            |2               |
|C 2 3            |2               |
|C 1 3            |1               |
|L 3 1 2          +----------------+
should be
| Standard Output | Standard Input |
 _________________|3               |
|C 1 1            |1               |
|C 1 2            |2               |
|C 2 3            |2               |
|C 1 3            |1               |
|L 3 1 2          +----------------+
That is, the first input item should be 3 instead of 4.

Eindhoven, June 19, 1995
Scientific Committee for IOI'95

IOI 95