IOI Regulations - Statutes

S1 Preamble
S2 Definitions
S3 Objectives and Means
S4 Office Bearers and Tasks
S5 Host Nomination and Selection
S6 Responsibilities of Present Host
S7 Competition, Judging and Awarding
S8 Revisions of the Regulations

S1 Preamble


The Statutes, the Explication and the Appendices together form the Regulations of the International Olympiad in Informatics.


Details of procedures and responsibilities are described in the Appendices.


The official working language for the IOI is the English language.


In the scope of the IOI the concept informatics means the domain which is also indicated by computer science, computing science and information technology, but not the domain computer engineering.


In the Statutes the following abbreviations are used:

Board of Patrons
Evaluation Committee
General Assembly
International Committee
International Olympiad in Informatics
Past IOI, preceding IOI'n by one year
Present IOI in the year n
Future IOI, following IOI'n by one year
International Secretariat
Scientific Committee


S2 Definitions


The International Olympiad in Informatics (as a continuing sequence) is a yearly international informatics competition for individual Contestants from various invited Countries, accompanied by social and cultural programmes.


The organization of the International Olympiad in Informatics in year n (IOI'n) is the responsibility of a certain Host Country.


A Host consists of Responsible Ministry(ies), Institution(s), and/or Corporation(s) in a Country. A Host Country can have the status of Past Host, Present Host, Future Host or Host Candidate.


For the IOI, a Country is a nation or state which has an officially recognized relation with United Nations or UNESCO, or which took part already in one or more past IOIs.


A National Delegation of a country is headed by a Delegation Leader. If the status of the National Delegation is: All members of a National Delegation are from one Country.


A Contestant is a student in a school for secondary education in the period September to December in the year before IOI'n, and is under the age of twenty at the day of the Opening Ceremony of IOI'n.


An Observer is a representative of:


S3 Objectives and Means

The main objectives to be accomplished by the IOI are:


To discover, encourage, bring together, challenge, and recognize young people, who are exceptionally talented in the field of informatics.


To foster friendly international relationships among computer scientists and informatics educators.


To bring the discipline of informatics under the attention of young people.


To stimulate the organization of informatics competitions for students in schools for secondary education.


To stimulate Countries to organize a future IOI in their Country.


S4 Office Bearers and Tasks

International Committee
Secretary-General of the IOI, Chair of the IC
International Secretariat
Board of Patrons
Host Team, Manager of IOI'n
Scientific Committee, Chair of the SC
General Assembly
President of the GA


The International Committee (IC) is a long-term, standing committee, which consists of eleven members:
The IC acts in the general spirit of the Regulations. The IC has the tasks: In meetings, the IC has the voting procedure of "one person, one vote". The members of the IC have the commitment to share information about their tasks.

The IC may invite a representative of the IS for the IC meetings.


The Secretary-General of the IOI (as a continuing position) is the Chair of the IC. Until the Closing Ceremony of IOI'n the Secretary-General proceeds from the Host Team of IOI'n-1. After the Closing Ceremony of IOI'n the Secretary-General proceeds from the Host Team of IOI'n. The Secretary-General is not a member of a National Delegation.


In default of the Secretary-General of the IOI the role of the Secretary-General is taken up by one of the IC members present.


The International Secretariat (IS) is a secretariat of the IOI which is established by volunteer Ministry(ies), Institution(s), and/or Corporation(s) in a Country for at least three years. The IS is nominated by the GA. The IS has the tasks to:


The Board of Patrons (BP) is a permanent body, constituted by the IC from respected members of the world of information technology and business. The BP has the necessary profile and influence to:


The Host Team of IOI'n is the organizing committee which is nominated by the Present Host (i.e. the Host of IOI'n), and which acts on its behalf. The Manager of IOI'n is the Chair of the Host Team. The Manager of IOI'n is not a member of a National Delegation. The Host Team includes as members: The tasks of the Present Host and Host Team are drawn up in section


The Scientific Committee of IOI'n (SC) is a temporary committee, which is nominated by the Present Host, and is composed of experts in informatics and/or informatics education from the Host Country. The Chair of the SC is a member of the Host Team. Members of the SC are not members of a National Delegation. The SC has the tasks to: The Chair of the SC, or an SC member, has the task to attend IOI'n-1 as an observer.


The General Assembly (GA) is a temporary, short-term committee during IOI'n, which is composed of The GA: The GA has the tasks to:


The GA has at least six private meetings: The GA meetings are obligatory for The GA meetings are accessible for the members of the SC, the members of the Host Team, and the Observers.

Guests may also have access to the meetings of the GA with permission of the President of the GA.

The GA meetings are not accessible for Contestants.


The President of the GA of IOI'n is the Chair of the GA. In voting procedures the President does not vote, but the President may cast the deciding vote. The President is a member of the Host Team. The President is not a member of a National Delegation.


The role of the Vice-President of the General Assembly is taken up by the Manager of IOI'n+1. In default of this future Manager the Teamleader of the Host Country for IOI'n+1 will be Vice-President. The Vice-President takes over by default of the President.


S5 Host Nomination and Selection


An official representative of a Country that is capable and willing to organize an IOI in a certain year, has to write a Letter of Intent to the Secretary-General of the IOI.


The IC performs a selection prodedure, and prepares a List of candidates who are willing to organize future IOIs. A Country has the status of Host Candidate after the List has been approved by the GA.


The Secretary-General of the IOI writes an Official Invitation to the Host Candidate, more than two years before that particular IOI.


A Host Candidate receives the status of Future Host when the Invitation is accepted by the Host Candidate, and confirmed by writing to the Secretary-General of the IOI, at least two years before that particular IOI. The IC informs the GA on the first General Assembly after this confirmation.


The Present Host is the Host which prepares and implements IOI'n.


S6 Responsibilities of Present Host


The Present Host of IOI'n is obliged to organize and realize IOI'n in accordance with the Regulations.


The Present Host is obliged to establish a Host Team which acts on its behalf.


The Present Host is obliged to establish a SC.


The Present Host is obliged to prepare


The Present Host is obliged to organise a meeting of the IC in the Host Country, at least six months before IOI'n. This IC meeting has the tasks to:


The Present Host is obliged to invite and to send information to all invitees, at least four months before IOI'n, about the


The travel costs to and from the town where the IC has its meeting, or where IOI'n is located, are at the expense of all IC members and all Participants, Observers and Guests. Costs for board & lodging during the IC meeting, or during IOI'n, are at the expense of the Present Host for all IC members, all Participants and Observers of new Countries, UNESCO, IFIP and BP. Other Observers and Guests have to pay a reasonable fee which is fixed by the Present Host.


The Host of IOI'n is obliged to produce a report of IOI'n, and send it to the Delegation Leaders of Observing and Participating Countries, members of the IC, IS, and BP, no later than six months after IOI'n. A draft report should be sent to the members of the IC no later than three months after IOI'n.


S7 Competition, Judging and Awarding


The informatics Competition will take place during two Competition Days, which both are directly preceded and followed by a non-Competition Day.


The Host gives the Contestants the opportunity to practice with the competition equipment, or comparable equipment, on the non-Competition Days.


On both Competition Days the Host prevents that GA members meet and/or come across Contestants before and during the Competition.

No communication devices may be brought/used by the delegates or students from the time the problems are made known to the delegates until the embargo is lifted by the President of the GA.


On both Competition Days the IOI Competition and Judging follows the general scheme described in statements S7.5 to S7.13. This scheme is elaborated in the Competition Procedures and Judging Procedures.


The SC presents printed Competition Tasks and Judging Procedures to the meeting of the GA for approval. The Delegation and Deputy Leaders translate the approved Competition Tasks to their national languages, without any additional information. The translated tasks will be posted in public during IOI'n.


The Contestants are asked to solve the Competition Tasks which are given to them, together with the translations, but without any oral information.


During the Competition each Contestant works independently on a private desk with an appropriate computer, printed Competition Procedures, and writing-paper.


During the Competition Contestants obey the Competition Procedures.


At the beginning of the Competition the GA is present for one hour to answer questions of the Contestants about the Competition Tasks. The questions are to be answered by the GA with yes, no or no comment.


After the one-hour question-time the GA is free until the Judging procedure begins.


The Judging Procedures are carried out directly after the Competition.



The number of points of the Contestants will not be made public before the Awarding and Closing Ceremony.


After the second Competition Day and before the IOI Awarding Ceremony the SC makes a proposal to the GA about the Awarding of the contestants, i.e. the distribution of the medals over the Contestants on the basis of their number of points. Not more than half of the Contestants will receive a medal: Thereafter the meeting of the GA determines the scores and the awards of the Contestants.

S8 Revisions of the Regulations


Revisions of the Statutes are prepared and proposed by the IC, and are adopted by the GA by majority of votes.


Revisions of the Explications and the Appendices can be proposed by the GA or the IC, and are to be adopted by the GA by majority of votes.

Created on MAY-12-95, updated on JUN-02-95 by from CIL
Updated on JUN-23-95 by Richard Verhoeven
Updated on FEB-05-96 by Péter Hanák

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