See you in South Africa in '97!
South Africa's National Computer Olympiad is one of the oldest and largest in the world, with the first event having taken place in 1982. South Africa was first invited to participate in the International competition in Bonn, Germany in 1992. It was a great honour when the decision to host the Olympiad in South Africa was confirmed in Eindhoven, Netherlands in 1995.
The venue for the Olympiad is the campus of the oldest and most beautiful university in South Africa - the University of Cape Town. The contestants will be housed in residences very close to the competition site (2 minutes walk), while the delegates will live in the residences usually used by post-graduate students.
An exciting program of computer based activities is being prepared. Microsoft have agreed to sponsor a day where participants from all over the world will be given an opportunity to meet and interact with young people from South Africa who share the same interests.
The host city of Cape Town, widely acknowledged as one of the most beautiful in the world, is situated at the southernmost tip of the African continent - where the Atlantic and Indian oceans meet. It has a Mediterranean climate and the winter rainfall makes it ideal for the growing of fruit. Of these, grapes for the production of wine, are the most important. However, it is in its scenic beauty that Cape Town is especially well endowed, and is rapidly becoming the tourist destination of first choice. Its many outstanding attractions include:
The cosmopolitan and friendly people of Cape Town are waiting to welcome you in 1997 and will ensure that your visit will be a very happy and memorable one.