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The 5th International Olympiad in Informatics

Mendoza, Argentina, October 16 - 25, 1993

President: Alicia Bañuelos. 43 countries participated.
The Regulations
The Regulations for IOI'93.
The Competition
The problem set for IOI'93. All tasks, including the back-up tasks.
The Final Report [old site]
The official report on IOI'93. It used to include an interactive database of all participants and their results (later, the results have been put on-line statically).
Don's Report
This is a report on IOI'93 by Don Piele, leader of the delegation from the U.S.A.
Charlie's Pictures
A WWW page with pictures that Charlie Daly (Delegation Leader Ireland) took at IOI'93.

IOI Secretariat / ioi-secretariat@win.tue.nl

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