Programming Language Statistics for IOI2000

At IOI2000, there were two competition days, with three programming tasks each (as usual). The available programming languages were: Pascal (Turbo Pascal 7.0) and C/C++ (Turbo C++ 3.0).

Only executables had to be submitted, but most competitors also left behind their source files.

The following table shows, for each task, how many executables were produced and which source files were made. The counts were obtained by counting files named task.ext, where task is replaced by the task name, and ext by `exe', `pas', `c', and `cpp'.


Task.Extensionexepasccpp c+cpp pas+c+cpp
palin 270 181 20 64 84 265
car 240 168 24 53 77 245
median 234 165 19 59 78 243
walls 261 178 23 61 84 262
post 284 184 24 68 92 276
block 195 145 13 43 56 201
TOTALS 1484 1021 123 348 471 1492

Here are the percentages of the languages used (relative to total number of analyzed source files):

Task.Extensionpasccpp c+cpp pas+c+cpp
palin 68% 8% 24% 32% 100%
car 69% 10% 22% 31% 100%
median 68% 8% 24% 32% 100%
walls 68% 9% 23% 32% 100%
post 67% 9% 25% 33% 100%
block 72% 6% 21% 28% 100%
TOTALS 68% 8% 23% 32% 100%

Tom Verhoeff (Chair ISC)